Change Grow Live (UK)

Change Grow Live (CGL) delivers services to over 50,000 people per day across England.  It has over 3,000 staff and 1,000 volunteers at any one point. It is a social care and health charity that works with individuals who want to change their lives for the better and achieve positive and life-affirming goals. Their service users are people, whose lives have been held back by a range of social issues and concerns, including substance misuse and other forms of addiction, homelessness, poverty, unemployment, domestic abuse, mental health issues and offending. All services are designed to encourage individuals to find the strength and resources within themselves to bring about the life and behavioural changes they wish to achieve. Their goal is to help our service users regain control, change their lives, grow as a person and live life to its full potential. CGL provides: substance misuse services; therapeutic and treatment services within prisons and the community; accommodation assistance; clinical services in partnership with GPs in community settings; intensive support for families with complex needs around parenting and antisocial behaviour and services for families affected by domestic abuse. Key staff: Mr. David Bamford, Director of People; Mr. Raj Ubhi, National Young Person Manager; staff delivering services.
